The kingdom Plantae includes a diverse group of complex photosynthetic organisms ranging from mosses to ferns, green algae, microalgae, herbs, vegetables, plants, flowering plants, and so on. Plants only need air, water, nutrients in soil, sunlight, and the right temperature to live. They contain a number of chloroplasts in their cells. Chloroplasts perform photosynthesis, where the chlorophylls capture the energy from sunlight and convert it in biomolecules rich in energy (sugars, fats, proteins) for plant life. The photosynthesis is accompanied by freeing oxygen from the water into the air, which plays an important role in the ecosystem. In addition, plants give a marvelous diversity of color, flavor, taste, and aroma through their different parts like flowers, fruits, leaves, tubers, or stems. These colors and flavors are used for the plant defense system, but also for the prevention of human diseases. The main plant pigments include chlorophylls, carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and are strong antioxidants.

Plant source foods include staple foods or cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, algae, and their byproducts such as oil, essence, beverages, and chocolate. Plants are also an important source of medicine. A list of different parts of plants such as vegetables, fruits, and tubers, is described.