This chapter focuses on a second type of ubiquitous design representation: design drawings. The chapter identifies drawing as a second type of visual design representation and provides an operational description of design drawing, including its difference compared with design sketching (Chapter 4). Section 5.1 provides an introduction to drawing as design representation. We relate drawing to the varying needs of the design process as ideas are evolved from Concept Design to Concept Development and finally Detail Design phases of the design process. We position and discuss how differing requirements of representation across stages in the design process implicate the types of drawing used, and their particular expression of design intent. Broadly adopting a taxonomy of design drawings that aligns with both stage in process (Concept Design, Concept Development, Detail Design), and the representational qualities of design drawings (in terms ambiguity and fidelity), nine types of design drawing are discussed (Sections 5.2–5.10). The classification of drawings, as with our taxonomy of sketch representations (Chapter 4), is used to support our discussion of relationships between the design process, representational requirements and types of drawings used, rather than providing a definitive list of drawing types.