This chapter focuses to Git repositories, what they are, how they record changes, how the users can work with remotes, concepts like Git aliases as well as tagging. Repositories in Git refer to a collection of files that contain the different versions of same project. These files are imported from the repository to the node, i.e. the local system of developers for further changes and developments to the contents of the file. Saving changes in Git is also different from saving changes in a different kind of a version control system, say Subversion (SVN). SVN’s commits, also known as “check-ins” make remote pushes to a centralized server. In order to remove a file from Git, make sure that the users remove it from our tracked files, i.e. our staging area, and then commit. The git rm command should be able to do that, removing the file from our working directory lest it shows up as untracked the next time around.