Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application development framework written in Ruby language. Ruby on Rails' emergence was greatly influenced web app development, through innovative attributes such as seamless database table creations, migrations, and scaffolding of views to support rapid application development. Rails is often correlated to other frameworks and environments due to its multi-capacity and flexibility. It tends to completely smudge the line that distinguishes conventional categories like languages and frameworks, providing professionals with a handful of tools to produce scalable and high-quality work. Rails supports Multithreading, which means that if the peoples are not careful, requests could be lined up at the backside of an active request creating additional issues in performance. Migrations are normally performed to advance the structure of an application's database. In rails applications, migrations are scripted in Ruby so that they can be database-agnostic or enabled to work with various systems, rather than being customized for a single system.