The mobile devices use Subscriber Identification Module or SIM for cellular networks to connect for voice, text, and other services. All mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants, and others are used for accessing online services and communication applications through the Internet. The cybersecurity threat level on mobile devices has already increased significantly because the workforce is transitioning to mobile devices very fast. The hackers attack mobile devices through different types of malware programs such as viruses, spyware programs, Trojan horses, and others. Many mobile operators and mobile device manufacturers automatically alert the users to update their operating system by clicking a link for the upgrade. Insecure hotspots, especially the public Wi-Fi networks that are free to use, are the most common point of mobile security breaches for the hackers. In many cases, sensitive data stored on the mobile devices are used for carrying out fraudulent transactions in our bank account and through credit cards, debit cards.