The basic needs of man are Roti, Kapda and Makan. Man is a social being and hence developed villages, towns and cities. Soils are formed by mechanical and chemical weathering of rocks and decomposition of organic matter under the actions of weather. Soil serves a natural medium for the growth of plants. The organic matter of soil which is formed by the slow decay of plants roots, stems, leaves and other vegetable matter and animal remains is called humus. Soils contain mineral matter which is influenced by environmental factors like weather, topography organisms and acquire physical, chemical and biological properties. Soils differ in color red, black due to the presence of iron, titamferous magnetite, drainage coxdition, some fine in texture which serves as a reservoir of nutrient and water for crops. Capillary water is capable of movement upwards, downwards or laterally, the movement taking place from the thicker part of the film to the thinner part.