The pear or naspati (Pyrus spp ) is a popular temperature fruit next to apples. It ranks high among sub-acid fruits as it contains less acid than almost any other fruit. Pear is primarily cultivated for fresh consumption. Pears contain small amounts of vitamins C, E, and B. The most important of the minerals they contain are potassium, magnesium, and iron. They are also a good source of trace elements such as copper and manganese, and in lower proportion, zinc. The pear’s vitamin and mineral content is slightly greater than that of apples. Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke. The pear also stimulates renal function. Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve sufferers of much pain in various inflammatory conditions. The pear is also beneficial in weight loss diets because of its mild diuretic action and its depurative effect.