This introduction is a summary of the book to familiarize the reader with the ideas that will be presented. It presents other information about the book and the Autocatalytic Biodiversity Hypothesis as well.This is the second book I have written on my hypothesis that organisms create biodiversity, called the Autocatalytic Biodiversity Hypothesis (ABH), or the Pachamama Hypothesis. I will generally refer to it as the Autocatalytic Biodiversity Hypothesis, or the ABH, rather than use both names every time I refer to it. Both books are about, propose, and present evidence for, the same hypothesis, but the first book (Seaborg, 2022) covers different aspects and topics concerning the hypothesis than this second book. The first book is a companion volume to this second book on my hypothesis. The ABH states that ecosystems maximize biodiversity and that all species are ecosystem engineers that have a net positive effect on their ecosystem, other species, and biodiversity under natural circumstances over sufficient time.