For a democratic system to be successful, it requires that its citizens are able to think critically and not swallow false information. Two topics are considered in which there has been a lack of public critical thinking. One concerns a Catholic Cardinal who was subjected to several trials and appeals as well as being imprisoned before being freed. The lengthy process of the judicial system appears to have been influenced by prejudicial public thinking. The other topic is that of dangerous anthropogenic global warming which has been accepted by a gullible public but is a belief not based on true science. The educational standards of students in different countries have been examined by an International Program. The performance has been variable. In the past 20 years, standards in Australia have been steadily falling despite an ever-increasing allocation of financial support to education. Apart from the main subjects of mathematics, science, and reading, other outcomes were found. These included the negative effects of bullying, lack of discipline, and the inability of students to distinguish between fact and opinion. Some thoughts on ways to correct these faults are suggested, including an emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills.