Fairness is a concept that can be subjective. An example is given of a policy in which pensioners would be asked to contribute a small amount to their health costs. This was opposed on the basis that they constituted the poorest section. The counterargument was fairness meaning that all members of society should contribute according to their means. Some examples of fairness are given in regard to decisions made by umpires in sporting contests. The most positive response is to accept the inevitability that wrong decisions can be made and to accept them and move on. Equality is another concept that can be controversial. Equality of wealth is only one aspect. Making everyone equal is shown to be absurd by considering other ways of imposing equality such as equality of knowledge. The gullibility of people is discussed and how wrong opinions can be widely adopted based on falsehoods. It is stressed that unfairness and inequality always exist but it is preferable to accept it, not to react negatively but to always adopt a positive and optimistic outlook.