This chapter focuses on both coating defects and inspection. Various formulas related to coating formulation such as pigment volume concentration, dry-film thickness calculation and theoretical paint consumption volume are given in this chapter. Essential coating defects as well as their causes and presentation such as sagging and running, orange peel, cracking, blistering, holiday, dry spray, fish eye, blushing etc. are explained in detail. Coating inspection section starts with the essence of coating inspection and inspector. Coating checkpoints and different types of inspection which are necessary for critical phases such as steelwork, pre-surface treatment, after surface preparation and before coating application, during and after coating application are explained in detail. The inspector’s capability levels with regard to knowledge and skill, education and years of experience are divided into Levels I, II and III. Inspection and test plan (ITP) is an important coating inspection document which is discussed in more detail in this chapter.