Budget size will determine how many tools are available to them, what kind of resources or training they can take, as well as how large their team could be. IT budgets historically have been smaller or had to prioritize projects for highest improvement to the business for the lowest cost. Cybersecurity budgets are much larger in the last year or two than they ever have been, given the recent Executive Orders by President Biden and the SolarWinds and Log4Shell exploits. Many large organizations have a sizeable budget for cybersecurity teams, to include threat hunting groups, Security Operations Centers (SOCs), security engineering teams, and Incident Response groups. For operations or engineering groups, tools assist in the automation and orchestration of manual tasks. These tools may also help provide insight into problems or troubleshooting complex issues within applications or on the network. With smaller budgets, security teams would have malware and antivirus identification and remediation software, vulnerability scanning and reporting tools, as well as network monitoring applications. IT groups provide a variety of services to an organization, including mobile device management, specialty application support, helpdesk, and initial troubleshooting basic issues, as well as engineering and architecture projects. Cybersecurity groups provide continuous monitoring, vulnerability identification and remediation instruction, security alert monitoring, consultation, and engineering services.