The climate change concerns and the development aspects that help to enhance the welfare of the people cannot be dealt discretely. As a result, the interfaces between development and mitigation can lead to social, political and ethical challenges, mainly in the developing world if mitigation is seen as hurting the urgent development tasks. Many agents are involved in mitigation — local, regional, and national governments as well as households, firms, and non-government agencies. The linkages among these different agencies are intricate; hence, the decision making becomes complex as it comprises different levels. Renewable energy sources are central to meeting the challenge of climate change, and any answer to carbon reduction requires a transition to low-carbon energy sources. Implementing mitigation measures depend on economic aspects and several other factors, including synergies and tradeoffs across mitigation and other policy objectives. Solar radiation management is the delibrate alteration of the Earth’s shortwave radiative budget to reduce climate change according to a given metric.