Climate change is a global environmental issue, the impacts are felt all over the world with varying severity. Extreme climate events like heat waves, droughts, cyclones and heavy precipitation over the last century worldwide caused heavy damage to physical and biological systems, human suffering and deaths and enormous economic losses. In 1988, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created by World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environment Program involving thousands of global scientists and experts to work on climate-related issues. These people formed into three Working groups: Group I deals with ‘The Physical Science Basis of Climate Change’, Group II with ‘Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’ and Group III with ‘Mitigation of Climate Change’. Climate change is a threat to fair and sustainable development, a suggested framework for integrating development and climate change policies in developing countries. Adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development are closely related, with potential for synergies and trade-offs.