Chapter 32 is the most important section of the book, but probably the most difficult to read. With its summary of climate change over the last 50 years and its review of predictions for climate change over the next 50–80 years, the subject matter is difficult to reconcile as citizens of Earth and psychologically as individuals. Suggestions are made for action, framing the climate change issue as a “super wicked problem,” a category of “wicked problems.” With adaptation and mitigation proposed as ways to address the problem, the concept of energy descent action plans is reviewed as an adaptation. Examples are given for cities that have put these types of plans into action. The concept of resilience is introduced, the notion that redundancy and some inefficiencies in urban infrastructure can act like surge protectors by stopping the ripple occurring when one major segment of infrastructure stops working. In summary, for a wicked problem, we cannot wait for outside entities to take leadership in finding solutions. Individuals working creatively and adroitly with other community members can find ways to adapt within the circumstances of an uncertain and changing situation.