Deckard and Rachael connect romantically, and in both the film’s original theatrical release and its later re-edits, they go off together at the end of the story. The ending and other hints in film have led to much speculation that Deckard himself is a replicant. When Blade Runner was made in 1982, robotic or biological technology that could produce synthetic humans was comparatively primitive. Researchers had started constructing humanoid robots in the 1970s. These have now reached the point that to some extent they resemble and move like real people and carry out a degree of cognition, but they remain too limited to be taken for human. Geostorm carries a scientific warning, which is that any form of global control of climate, whether by space satellites, ocean biology, or aerosols, must be carefully considered before it is implemented; and also a hopeful message, that at least in fiction the world’s nations can decisively act together to face a global threat.