Python is currently the most popular programming language in the world; it is open source and freely available, which makes it the ideal package to support the learning of A-Level (High-School) Mathematics, to solve real-world problems in Scientific Computing and to grapple with artificial intelligence. Python is a high-level language developed by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Note that all the Python programs accompanying the book will be available through GitHub and that there will also be web pages accompanying each chapter of the book. This means that the book should not go out of date as any changes in Python can be relayed using those media. Firstly, the reader is shown how to use Python as a powerful calculator. For and while loops are covered next by means of simple examples and if-elif-else constructs round off the section. Finally, the reader is shown how to plot simple fractals (images repeated on ever-reduced scales) using the turtle module. In this way, readers can understand programming constructs by plotting simple pictures.