The watery environment in which single-cell organisms lives provides them food and removes their wastes, a function that the human circulatory system provides for the 60–100 trillion cells in a human body. The earth's blood, water, is pumped, not by a heart, but by the hydrological cycle—the water cycle. A titanic force of nature, the water cycle is beyond our control—a fact that people ignore until weather patterns shift and suddenly inundated rivers flow where they will and not within human-engineered banks, floodwalls, dikes, and levees. In the water cycle, the water evaporated from the oceans falls as rain, hail, sleet, or snow and it strikes the earth again; the cycle continues. The truth be told, a modern industrial wind turbine can't operate and produce electricity as per design without hydraulics. A cutaway drawing of a high-pressure air hose. A hose is bent at 90 degrees with the body and arm of the tube labeled.