Anchoring is one of the myriad operations that falls within the responsibility of the deck department. It involves the use of critical shipboard equipment and requires a high level of situational awareness. The key responsibility of the deck officer in charge (OiC) of the anchoring station is to use the anchoring machinery and available manpower for carrying out the operation safely and efficiently in accordance with the master’s instructions. This chapter provides some practical suggestions for deck officers engaged in anchoring operations. First and foremost, for any successful operation on board a ship, is proper and efficient communication between the master, officers, and the crew members responsible for carrying out the task. In an anchoring situation, the bridge and the anchor station are the most important locations. The OiC should be thoroughly familiarised with the necessary reporting procedures. When anchoring, giving clear and succinct commands to the crew is as significant as receiving commands from the master. It is essential to regularly update the bridge on the status of the anchoring operation. There are two distinct anchor operations:

Letting go (i.e., dropping the anchor); and

Heaving (taking up the anchor).

In either case, the OiC has several responsibilities and duties to execute when overseeing the anchor operation.