Maternal cardiac arrest (MCA) results from etiologies which are substantially different and more broadly diverse than those etiologies associated with cardiac arrest in the nonpregnant patient. A 2017 study revealed that almost 5% of MCAs occurred as a result of suicide, most of these hanging, jumping, or intentionally falling. This chapter highlights some of the most common causes of MCA, reviews presenting symptoms and signs, and introduces initial steps to prevent the progression from symptoms to full arrest. It reviews the immediately reversible causes of MCA that providers must recognize and treat quickly for optimal recovery. The chapter introduces the mnemonic and post-arrest aid BAACC TO LIFE to help recall the common etiologies of MCA. The abbreviation “BAACC” is seen as referring to Bleeding, Anesthesia; Amniotic Fluid Embolism; Cardiovascular or Cardiomyopathy; Clot or Cerebrovascular; “TO” is referred as Trauma; Overdose of magnesium sulphate or opioids; “LIFE” is referred as Lung injury; Ions; Fever; Emergency hypertension or eclampsia.