In the age of growing technologies, the globe is much concerned about energy and power deficiency. This chapter highlights making the things suitable for green communication (G Comm.). In this chapter, we have designed a power-efficient design of the packet counter using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) device. The implementation of the UART is done on VIVADO design suite, and the results are observed on Kintex-7 FPGA. To optimize the power consumption of the packet counter on the FPGA device, low-voltage complementary metal-oxide (LVCMOS) input output (IO) is used. IO standards are used in FPGA to match the impedance so that the power consumption is optimized. From the power analysis, it has been observed that as the input voltage of the IO standard increases, the TPC also increases. Therefore, the device gives the optimal power consumption when the input voltage is low. The packet counter design on KINTEX-7 devices has the optimal power consumption when the impedance is matched with LVCMOS 12 IO.