The first Portuguese explorer to arrive in Moçambique was Pero de Covilha who was dispatched in 1487 to find a route to India, which he reached via Egypt and Aden. The flourishing Arab port city on the Island of Moçambique was visited by Vasco de Gama in 1498, following the rounding of the Cape of Good Hope the previous year by Bartolomeo Dias. The Moçambique-Zambia boundary commences in the Northwest at the tripoint (with Malawi) where the Lake Nyasa-Zambezi River drainage divide meets at the 14th parallel in accordance with the agreement of June 11, 1891, between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Portugal. The adoption of MozNet is a decisive step for the modernization of the geo-referencing activities in Moçambique. Moçambique has now a network of permanent GPS stations that permit the definition and realization of a geocentric datum. This network still needs to be densified.