Hyperthermia usually occurs due to an excessively warm ambient temperature, but can also be induced by stress. Even tropical birds can get hyperthermic on hot days if they don't have enough shelter. Birds with hyperthermia often breathe with their beaks open and usually keep the wings away from the body. If not treated on time, hyperthermia leads to death. Overheated birds should immediately be placed in a cooler environment. The feet can repeatedly be moistened with fresh water and a water spray can be used to cool down the patient, but the plumage of the bird should not be soaked. Fluid therapy through subcutaneous, intravenous or intraosseous infusion is indicated, but excessive stress and further overheating due to handling should be avoided. The patient is placed in a calm and cool environment. Room temperature is usually cool enough. Spraying fresh water on the legs and rest of the bird can contribute to accelerated cooling.