Oil spills form a big danger to aquatic birds. Oil covering the feathers inhibits normal thermoregulation, impairs waterproofing and causes an inability to fly. Ingestion of oil can lead to severe gastrointestinal problems (e.g., anorexia, vomiting/regurgitation, diarrhea, malabsorption) and, depending on the specific type of oil, can cause systemic intoxications leading to anemia, kidney or liver damage. Oil should be removed from the oral cavity, choana and pharynx with cotton tips/swabs to clear the airways. The eyes can be cleaned with cotton tips/swabs and by flushing with NaCl. Birds should be monitored carefully during washing, especially for signs of hypothermia. Washing should be stopped when birds become unstable again and must only be continued after fully stabilizing the patient. In the end, all oil should be removed, but it might take several washing sessions.