Fluid therapy is indicated for resuscitation, rehydration and maintenance. Resuscitation is done in birds in (hypovolemic) shock and rehydration is relevant for dehydrated birds and maintenance for every patient. Many sick birds are dehydrated by the time they present at the emergency consultation. In mild dehydration, there are often no noticeable abnormalities in the general examination. The fluid requirement of most birds consists of the maintenance requirement and the volume required to correct any dehydration and additional losses (due to polyuria, diarrhea and/or vomiting). Oral fluids are often an efficient method of fluid therapy in birds with mild dehydration and a functional gastrointestinal tract. Oral fluid therapy is probably less troublesome for the patient than parenteral fluid therapy (infusion). In small birds, or birds with severely decreased blood pressure, administering an intravenous infusion might not be possible. In these situations, a needle or catheter can be placed in the medullary cavity of a bone for an intraosseous infusion.