Once people discover the job listing of their dreams, they usually must act quite quickly to assemble a proper application. The video games industry is an aspirational place to work for many, thus making it a very competitive job market. Even though the global industry creates a lot of revenue, it is smaller than people might think. That also means that there are not nearly as many communication roles available as willing applicants. Especially if readers want to land a role at a more well-known company, both in development and publishing, their application has to stand out from the crowd. This chapter equips readers with essential knowledge for this purpose. The author summarises her experiences from courses on resumé and cover letter writing, expert mentor feedback she received over the years, and her own success in landing in the games industry to help readers fine-tune their documents. She examines the most common mistakes she has seen people make and suggests practical improvements. In addition, the author discusses interviews for community roles, best practice behaviour, and how to behave if things go wrong. Guest author Bo Marit enriches the chapter with the valuable perspective of years as a hiring manager for a community team.