This chapter presents guidelines for technology transfer in Industry 4.0 within the specific coverage of Systems 4.0. Because of its dependence on technological advancements, Industry 4.0 benefits from technology transfer partnerships. Technology can easily be misused, if it is not properly controlled. Technology evolves for beneficial purposes, but its use can be misapplied, mis-transferred, or misunderstood. Using appropriate transfer strategies can ensure that manufacturing technology avoids pitfalls that lead to failure. Technology transfer is not just about the hardware components of the technology. It can involve a combination of several components, including software (computer-based) and “skinware” (people-based). Thus, this chapter addresses the transfer of knowledge as well as the transfer of skills, specifically within the needs of Industry 4.0. When technology is transferred from a systems perspective, it becomes more encompassing to effectively dot all the T’s and cross all the I’s.