This chapter discusses Titanium Applications. Titanium is categorized as a Technology Critical Element (TCE), alongside Rare Earth Elements (REEs), Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), lithium, cobalt, and other crucial materials for high-tech industries and emerging technologies. One of titanium's key properties, its high hardness, makes it a valuable material in numerous applications. When alloyed with other elements, titanium forms alloys with superior strength and hardness. The most prevalent titanium alloy is Ti-6Al-4V, widely used in aerospace, military, and other industries due to its impressive hardness, tensile strength, and lightweight properties. Titanium also has diverse applications in the military, particularly in aircraft components, armor, naval equipment, missiles, and communication systems. It is also utilized in metallurgical processes as a carbon content reducer and grain refiner for alloy production. In the medical field, titanium's biocompatibility and osseointegration capacity make it ideal for dental implants, prosthetic devices, and orthopedic instruments. Surface treatments and modifications enhance its biocompatibility for medical use. Controlled titanium nanostructures, such as nanodots and nanotubes, have found applications in drug delivery systems, immunomodulation, and photothermal therapy. Research into titanium nanocomposites highlights their potential in anti-cancer strategies and other biomedical applications.