The ability to survive damage or load conditions is implied by the term "durability." To evaluate an application's resilience potential, durability is used. Durability testing is a critical component in determining a system's capacity to withstand the ever-evolving threat environments and the complexity of software development. Performance testing, which measures a system's performance under stress or load situations, is another name for durability testing. Additionally, the main focus of durability testing is on a software's capacity to return to the stable state it was in before any load condition was applied to it. Testing for durability examines how effectively the programme or system can carry out its intended function. Although static source code analysis tools are improving, there is still a gap between what they can identify and what should be discovered. A prescriptive framework has been presented for critically examining source code to filter out vulnerabilities and categorise their severity levels. The proposed framework will aid in improving application software durability. The framework's successful implementation will make the code more resilient in the face of unexpected behaviour, ensuring that it is also resilient against durability attacks.