To this point in the text, the focus has been on battery-powered vehicles-on-wheels, and for vehicles powered by electricity this makes sense. However, it is important to point out that there are technologies, systems, and products that are in line with providing motive power for vehicles-on-wheels but they are not battery-powered systems. Specifically we can simply call these alternative technologies, systems, and products as fuel cells. This chapter is all about fuel cells. Why? Well, even though electric-powered vehicles-on-wheels is the present focus of many manufacturers and some others it is important to recognize that technology is dynamic (ongoing) and we are constantly trying to develop power systems for the future of transportation needs and other purposes. So, to be inclusive in regard to alternate ways in which to power vehicles-on-wheels, specifically, it is important to point out that there are other ways to store power and use it to power several of our various systems including vehicles-on-wheels.