This chapter presents a fast time-domain multiphysics simulation framework that combines full-wave electromagnetism (EM) and carrier transport in semiconductor devices (TCAD). The framework features a division of linear and nonlinear components in the EM-TCAD coupled system. EM-TCAD co-simulation refers to a concurrent solution of the Maxwell’s equations that describe the EM dynamics and transport models that describe the charge carrier dynamics in semiconductor devices. The chapter provides a proof for the validity of regularizing the differential-algebraic equation (DAE) system via differentiating the Gauss’s law in our EM-TCAD framework, which is a crucial step to make the matrix exponential formula applicable through reducing the DAE into an ordinary differential equation. In addition, it presents an alternative formulation of the EM-TCAD problem via variable and equation transformation to reduce the stiffness of the linear subsystem and accelerate the Krylov subspace computation.