The history of book writing goes back to the tablets used in Mesopotamia, in the 3rd millennium BC. The calamus, an instrument with a cross-section in the form of a triangle, was used to make characters in moist clay, which was then put in the fire, to give it some rigidity. The chapter presents a thorough list of items that comprise a general book. Books are generally divided into three main parts: the front matter, contains the initial information about the book, the body of the book, contains the essential information produced by the author and the back matter, summarizes the book and gives other information. Body text is the text forming the main content of a book, thesis, magazine, journal, web page or other printed matter. Good scientific writing must be scientifically accurate, concise, useful, clear, illustrated with visuals, targeted to a specific audience, well organized, interesting, consistent, complete, correct in spelling, punctuation and grammar.