Companies must strive to achieve diversity at all levels. Having diversity at the employee level but not the executive level, and vice versa, can actually be detrimental to a company, so it is imperative that diversity is achieved throughout a company. This widespread diversity also creates a better sense of welcome and inclusion for employees, a factor that has proven to lead to employee satisfaction and performance. The idea of inclusive company culture is also something that many employees are now actively seeking out in potential employers. Companies should be aware of these trends to ensure that they are attracting all possible candidates.

One area that specifically has work to do in terms of diversity and inclusion is industry – including engineering, construction, manufacturing, and other STEM fields. Industry has historically lagged behind in terms of diversity and inclusion. However, it is one of the industries that stands to benefit most from improved diversity and inclusion practices, as it is a field that relies on creativity and innovation. While this book will discuss overarching needs for diversity in business, a primary focus will be how these practices can improve and be implemented in industry.