Context in problems is often a bit of a giveaway. For example, given a problem in trigonometry, a solution is likely to be found within trigonometry. But what if no context is given? What is the way forward now? A mixed bag is a set of problems taken out of the blue from different areas and probably more challenging than the rest of this book. So there is a word puzzle, a geometry problem for which an algebraic solution is sought, a matrix problem, an integration problem, a number theory problem, and to finish with, a superb dissection problem.

There is a good case to be made for the idea that use of lateral thinking in solving problems is responsible for the survival of humanity. Think of cooking food, growing crops, building houses, understanding disease, sanitation, measurement, counting, calculation, irrigation and many other things that promote survival. That is definitely a mixed bag of solutions to problems.

And today we are faced with the huge problem of saving our environment, vital to our survival and the survival of our planet. What lateral solutions can you provide, dear reader?