The activity of people has been influenced by weather throughout human history. Using animals as a way to predict changes in weather has been discussed for over 2,000 years. People from around the world have noticed that animals appear to have abnormal behaviour when the weather is going to change. Famous people have not only reported on this, but used it for protecting themselves from harm. Shackleton observed birds as an indicator of storms or the movement of the ice, whilst Stevenson watched both birds and fish so he could stop work and protect his men against impending disaster. George Merryweather went further and developed an elaborate instrument based on the behaviour of an animal, creating the Tempest Prognosticator, and it appeared to work.

Numerous animals from insects to mammals have been used for weather forecasting across the world for hundreds of years. The animals may be sensing changes in barometric pressure, or simply hearing a storm from afar. Whatever the reason, watching animals does appear to be a useful way to predict changes in the weather.