Over 90% of malignancies of the oral cavity are squamous cell carcinoma arising from the lining mucosa and the vast majority of oral squamous cell carcinomas are preceded by precursor lesions that can present as either leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral submucous fibrosis or verrucous lesions. As an early sign of damage to oral mucosa, individuals often develop clinically visible whitish or reddish lesions and oral sub-mucous fibrosis. In India, oral squamous cell carcinoma constitute a serious problem thus a study of oral precancer is of great importance. A convincing correlation has been established between oral cancer and tobacco usage in the form of chewing and smoking as well as between various precancerous disorders and similar forms of tobacco usage. Oral health is strongly related to various habits which are highest among the people of low socioeconomic background. The numerous harmful effects of these habits usage on oral health range from stained teeth, halitosis, and precancerous mucosal disorders to fatal oral cancer.