Through improved health applications, the adoption and implementation of developing smart health technology may improve living circumstances. The most important accomplishment in smart health solutions is the balanced application of technology and engagement in human-based systems. Poor healthcare technology has the potential to kill people. As a result, the region in which smart health technology will be implemented should be thoroughly analyzed before the most appropriate technology is chosen. Because these assessments are based on people’s desires and expectations, they might sometimes be hazy and imprecise. This chapter presents a paradigm for the healthcare industry regarding smart health technology selection and assessment. As a result, smart health technology assessment is treated as a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) issue. The MCDM area comprises ideas and methods for achieving the “best suitable” answer for a decision scenario that fulfills several competing criteria. It is both a strategy and a set of procedures or approaches for assisting individuals confronted with various, non-uniform, and sometimes competing for challenges in making acceptable choices to their value judgments. A hybrid MCDM approach to evaluating smart health technologies has been presented. For this task, we find fuzzy AHP and fuzzy VIKOR methods to be the best approach to solve this problem, prioritize criteria, and rank selected alternatives.