Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused significant disruptions to the cell and gene therapies (CGTs) industry, which has historically faced substantial complexities in terms of the supply of materials and manufacturing and logistics processes. As decision-makers shifted their priorities to COVID-19–related issues, the challenges in manufacturing, delivery, market authorization, and price and reimbursement of CGTs were amplified. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to see that some CGT developers are adapting their efforts towards the development of promising COVID-19–related therapeutics and vaccines. Manufacturing resilience, digitalization, and telemedicine will be increasingly harnessed to ensure that market access of CGTs is not severely disrupted by future disasters. A foreseeable economic recession due to the pandemic will make payers become more risk-adverse and financially sensible. The high price of CGTs will urge manufacturers to enhance communications and negotiations with payers to reach mutually beneficial solutions to minimize delay in the market access of CGTs.