Artificial Intelligence will be changing our world even earlier than we used to think. By now, you probably have realized the importance of Artificial Intelligence, which is used and incorporated into many topics and items that you commonly deal with. It is obvious that many people throughout the world are interested in knowing and learning the details of Artificial Intelligence and understanding how AI is used to create interesting characteristics that are exposed to everyone. This book is about Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications, which is different from Artificial Intelligence for General Applications. The differences between these two applications of Artificial Intelligence have been briefly mentioned throughout the Internet in the last several years. They are applied as Artificial Engineering Intelligence (AEI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). On the Internet in the past several years, it has been mentioned that these two types of Artificial Intelligence are not the same. It is mentioned that AEI is “Designed to perform engineering tasks” while AGI is “Designed to learn and perform any intellectual task”. It is also mentioned that AEI “Can reason and solve problems in a specific way” while AGI “Can reason and solve problems in a general way”, and AEI is “Still under development” while AGI is “Still a theoretical concept”.