In Chapter 6, we delve into the realm of mesoscale numerical simulations to explore the behavior of CFRP ply subjected to cyclic loadings. By extending our understanding beyond microscale mechanics, this chapter focuses on uncovering the complexities of damage accumulation within the material. As depicted in the comprehensive framework, the interplay of molecular level damage, microscale failure mechanics, and mesoscale damage accumulation must be intricately understood to fully grasp the durability of composite materials. Notably, a novel concept is introduced, involving an innovative finite element approach that accounts for strength reduction due to entropy increase. This new perspective on damage evolution allows for accurate predictions not only of degradation and damage situations but also of remaining lifetime and residual strength under varying stress amplitudes, levels, and frequencies in cyclic loadings. The revolutionary insights presented in this chapter reshape the landscape of composite material durability studies, offering a paradigm shift from conventional approaches.