As we prod the cosmos at very large scales, basic tenets of physics crumble under the weight of contradicting evidence stemming from the postulated existence of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE). This chapter is meant to help mitigate the crisis. It resorts to artificial intelligence (AI) for answers and describes the outcome of this quest in terms of a quintessential ur-universe that incorporates an extra dimension to encode Einstein's space-time as a latent manifold.

DM is now believed to have arisen during the creation of elementary particles in an early universe. In contrast with our present-day “flat” universe, this early universe was endowed with extreme geometric curvature and, consequently, with special quantization rules. To begin to validate this picture, an AI platform is leveraged that has been previously designed as autoencoder for dynamical systems. This platform is capable of reverse engineering the action principles that underlie the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The decoding process treats Einstein's 4D space-time as a “latent space” that gets decoded onto a higher dimensional “quintessential” space. The latter is endowed with an extra rolled-up dimension that spans the quark cross-section, which is the smallest material dimension estimated to lie within the attometer (10–18m) scale. It turns out that this compact fifth dimension stores stationary wave-matter with a rest mass that matches the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs boson. This result enabled us to estimate elementary particle masses with significant precision by an AI-based decoding of the elementary particle fields along the fifth dimension. The results point to the existence of an ur-Higgs boson in the early universe, specifically at the beginning of the “electroweak epoch,” whose kinetic energy is not geometrically diluted along the standard four dimensions. This ur-Higgs and its heavier quantum partners are identified by AI as DM. The results enable us to characterize DM vis-à-vis the geometric dilution of gravity shown to have taken place as the universe flattened and expanded to present-day levels.

Within this picture, DE is generated by quantum vacuum fluctuations exciting the quintessential field of the ur-Higgs and occasionally becoming stored as DM if the field excitation wavelength fits a stationary wave along the dormant compact dimension.