Enterprise business architecture (EBA) lags because no theoretical framework or model has yet been validated or tested. This chapter presents empirical tests of a business architecture model that was developed to assess the readiness of the environment. It is interpretive research in which the case study approach was employed. Qualitative data was collected through the semi-structured technique. The actor-network theory (ANT) was employed to interpret the outcome of testing the readiness assessment model (RAM). The findings suggest that the model solidifies the foundation for the deployment of EBA and brings benefits to managers and architects. The result is intended to boost the confidence of promoters and organisations in the concept and possibly increase implementation and practice. This research empirically tested an EBA-RAM in five South African public and private organisations. The test draws on four main variables: readiness usefulness, value addition, design and automation, and ease of use. The variables purportedly help to detect technical and non-technical factors that can derail the implementation or practice of business architecture in an organisation.