The chapter mainly discusses various aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Intelligence mainly has three core attributes: Knowledge Acquisition/Learning/Adaptation, Reasoning with Knowledge and Understanding and perception. AI involves methods and systems to develop human-like abilities such as learning, decision-making and rationalizing for machines. The four categories of AI are thinking humanely, thinking rationally, acting humanely and acting rationally. The machine needs to exhibit cognitive capabilities to mimic human behavior to pass the Turing test. Knowledge acquisition, reasoning with knowledge and understanding and perception are the key tenets of an AI system.

The main AI methods are search, knowledge usage and abstraction. The period 1940–1950 is also called as AI gestation; 1950–1956 as classic period; 1960–1970 is also categorized as “Early enthusiasm great expectations”; and 1970–1990 is referred to as “AI Winter”. The main foundations of AI are philosophy, linguistics, mathematics, computer science, economics, philosophy, neuroscience, statistics, control theory and psychology. The key AI applications are in the field of knowledge representation, machine learning, reasoning and problem-solving.