‘Security by design’ having been understood and applied thus far, is making its position as a discipline very relevant to the contemporary world. Summarising the main takeaways, the narrative concludes with a list of the main assertions of this approach as evidenced in the previous content. These are reiterations but bring together the theories and their applications to pave the way for innovations and inventions.

Though the issue is discussed throughout the book, it is important to list the direct benefits of this emerging discipline. It is pertinent here to discuss the need and means of incentivising this subject. The literature shares convincing arguments for inspired designers, security professionals and other stakeholders to advocate this science and promote its patronage.

The exploration through the book culminates in a commentary on the emerging developments on the horizon and the future beyond these. These introductions open new venues for those already motivated. They provide a glimpse of ongoing developments and expected outcomes in the near future. The objective is to ignite the imagination, inspire research and motivate pathbreaking innovations.