The Genus Ferula contains more than 180 species that are distributed in central and southwest Asia, northern Africa, Iran, Afghanistan, North India, and the Mediterranean regions of the world. F. persica is used as a laxative, carminative, antihysteric, and to treat diabetes, rheumatism, and backache. Ferula plants contain umbelliprenin, farnesiferol A, farnesiferol B, badrakemone, gummosin, farnesiferone A, farnesiferol A, 9-O-acetyl-8-O-tigloyltovarol, persicasulfide A, persicasulfide B and persicasulfide C, elemicin, limonene, 6-camphenol acetate, dimethyl trisulphide, dimethyl tetrasulphide, α-barbatene, lavandulyl 2-methyl butanoate, α-terpinyl isopentanoate, and α-terpinyl n-pentanoate. Ferula plants possess cytotoxic, antimicrobial (Bacillus subtillis, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella ponumoniae, Salmonella typhy, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermilis), anti-inflammatory, lipoxygenase inhibitory, and cancer chemopreventive properties. This chapter discusses ethnomedicinal applications, phytochemistry, pharmacological properties, and culture conditions of Ferula plants.