A regression test evaluates whether a regression line is appropriate, being a regression line a model that allows the reader to make predictions. The multiple-sample test for differences is represented in the graphical method. The x-axis denotes the drug dosage in milligrams, which ranges from 2 to 26, and the y-axis denotes the sleep values in hours, which range from 5 to 20 in the increasing order of 5 hours. There are various scattered dots on each farm with different sleep hours and different dosages of drugs. There are various scattered dots with a line connecting them, with different sleep hours and different dosages of drugs. The multiple-sample test for differences is represented in the graphical method. A common mistake made by an inexperienced analyst is to mix the concept of regression and correlation. The concept of correlation was developed in the 19th century as a way to associate the quantitative characteristics of parents and offspring in genetic studies.