The advent of smart farming has revolutionized agricultural practices, driving significant advancements in efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the role of big data in smart farming, focusing on its transformative impact on traditional agricultural practices. This chapter commences by elucidating the fundamental disparities between traditional and smart farming approaches, highlighting the revolutionary changes brought about by the integration of cutting-edge technologies and data-driven decision-making processes. Next, the chapter delves into the various types of smart farming data generated through an intricate network of interconnected devices and sensors. It sheds light on the diversity and volume of data, encompassing essential components such as weather patterns, soil conditions, crop health, livestock monitoring, and supply chain dynamics. To grasp the significance of big data in smart farming, a comprehensive background is provided, elucidating the emergence and evolution of big data technologies. This segment encompasses the challenges, opportunities, and key drivers that have propelled the integration of big data analytics in agriculture. Subsequently, the chapter presents a detailed exploration of the primary production framework of big data in smart farming. It elucidates how data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms synergistically optimize crop management, irrigation strategies, and pest control. This section underscores the pivotal role played by data-driven insights in bolstering yield and profitability for farmers. The socioeconomic framework of big data in smart farming forms the crux of the chapter’s concluding section. The interplay among data-driven agricultural practices, rural livelihoods, and global food security is meticulously analyzed, underscoring the transformative potential of big data in shaping sustainable agricultural policies and economic growth. To sum up, this chapter serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to comprehend the profound implications of big data in the realm of smart farming. By bridging the gap between theory and practical applications, it empowers stakeholders to harness the full potential of data-driven technologies in the pursuit of a more prosperous and resilient agricultural future.