Blender provides a variety of shading (coloring) options which allow a Scene to be previewed during construction. Previewing, in turn, allows editing to be performed as the Scene is developed. Wireframe Shading allow the readers to see Objects in the 3D Viewport Editor as a Mesh which is useful when one Object overlaps or hides another. Solid Viewport Shading is the default Shading Option for the 3D Viewport Editor when Blender Opens and is the basic Viewport display for modelling. Solid Viewport Shading provides three lighting methods; Studio, MatCap and Flat. With either Studio Lighting, MatCap Lighting or Flat Lighting there are six Color Type settings in the Sub Options Panel. The default is Material, which means Objects in the Scene (Viewport) are displayed with the Material color that has been assigned to the Object in the Properties Editor, Material Properties, when Nodes are deactivated.