The fundamental concept in using Blender is to create a model, place the model in a Scene and perhaps animate the model to move creating an animation sequence. To model an object or character, or a component of a Scene such as a landscape, a simple shape is placed in the 3D Viewport Editor and modified. The Default Scene displays in the 3D Viewport Editor with a Cube Object at the center. The Scene also has a Light and a Camera in place. When working in the 3D Viewport Editor there are two Cursors; the Mouse Cursor and the Editor Cursor. By default the Editor Cursor is located at the center of the Scene. A Primitive shape entered into the scene is referred to as an Object. Blender automatically names Objects according to the shape i.e. Cube, Sphere, Cone etc. Precise Manipulation, precise Translation, Rotation and Scaling can be performed in the 3D Viewport Editor, Object Properties Panel, Item Tab.