The image below is based on n = 3, S = 4, and P = 5 using Centered Point Flowers Excel file 15.0. As noted in Section 15.1, the vertex frame jumps to the next vertex then goes to the center of the circle, (0, 0), and back to that vertex before jumping to the next vertex.

Place numbers 1–5 next to the endpoint of the first five segments.

FACT: This image has many triangles but only ONE is equilateral.

Was the equilateral triangle laid out using three consecutive segments?

When is the first third of the equilateral triangle laid out (i.e., what section numbers)?

What is the area of the equilateral triangle?

How many right triangles are there? Place an R next to each right angle.

Find and label the right triangles at their sharpest apex angle. Label those with the sharpest angle, S, next sharpest, M, and least sharp, L.